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Cancel a booking with or without a refund

This article will show you the different ways to cancel bookings and add a refund.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

1. How to cancel and refund all tickets from the attendee list

  1. Go to Orders > Attendee list.

  2. Select the tickets that you need to cancel,

  3. Tick the box next to the ticket > click on actions > select cancel and refund.

  4. Enter the percentage to be refunded based on the ticket selected.

  5. A confirmation email will be sent to your customer, including the modification and a list of the related tickets.

Be careful to insert the correct refund amount or percentage, as the process is irreversible.

2. How to cancel and refund some tickets from the order overview.

2.1. From the ticket section

  1. Go to Orders > Attendee list.

  2. Select the booking in which you need to cancel tickets.

  3. Open the booking > click on the ticket section on the left.

  4. Select the tickets you wish to cancel > click on actions > select cancel and refund.

  5. From this section you can enter the percentage or the value to be refunded based on the ticket selected. Setting 0 will only cancel the tickets.

  6. Your customer will receive a confirmation email detailing the modification and including a list of the associated tickets.

2.2. From edit an order

Useful method when tickets are already cancelled.

  1. Go to the booking by clicking on its booking reference number.

  2. Then click on Edit order.

  3. In the order details, you can cancel ticket.

  4. In the refund section, you can add a refund,

  5. In the Refund Type* you must choose the method of payment that the customer used to pay for the ticket. You can recognize it as it's the only option with the amount and the currency of the payment originally made.

    On the screenshot below, the customer initially paid online using the payment provider Twint for an amount of 120 CHF. Selecting this option will allow the purchaser to be refunded to their credit card.

  1. In the Refund field, add the numerical amount you would like to refund (120 CHF). The refund will be instantly triggered upon pressing Apply.

  2. To finish the operation click Update order.

3. How to cancel and refund with a voucher

In the previous refund method, you can always cancel and refund with a voucher.

  1. Instead of a payment the refund will generate a voucher with amount chosen, you can also add an expiry date.

  2. In the order overview, tickets will be exchanged for a Voucher Credit of the same value. The payment will remain linked to the booking, and the balance will stay at 0.

  3. Tickets have been replace automatically with a gift card that you can download or resend. The customer can redeem this code to purchase other products, more information in this article regarding Gift Cards.

4. Order balance

The order balance is the total obtained by subtracting the payment amount from the value of the tickets:

  1. An order that has been paid in full has a balance of 0, meaning that the payment is equal to the amount of tickets.

  2. A positive balance means that a payment is missing; add the missing payment or cancel tickets equal to the missing payment.

  3. A negative balance means that there is an overpayment; issue a refund for the excess amount or add tickets equal to the overpayment.

5.Additional tips

  • Important! You cannot refund more than 50-100 people at a time! To refund more participants, please repeat this procedure.

  • Be mindful what ticket you select from Attendee lists or the tickets list before cancelling / refunding.

  • When possible, always update the order, it will recalculate the balance according to the latest entries made in the booking.

  • You can't Cancel and refund if the ticket selected is already cancelled, you will have to do add the refund from edit an order.

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