Create custom PDF gift card templates

How to create custom PDF gift cards and use templates for special occasions.

You can now create personalised experience for your visitors and boost gift card sales by creating new PDF gift card designs. 

What are the benefits

  1. Fully customisable layouts, information display, colours, background images, and custom text.

  2. Ready-made templates for special events (such as Christmas).

  3. Dynamic tags on the document builder for gift card value or gift card holder details.

How to create gift cards

  1. Go to Branding details > Ticket templates Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 19.07.35
  2. Click on Create > Gift cards
    Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 19.08.47
  3. Select Editor template > select a PDF templateScreenshot 2023-11-27 at 19.10.50


Tip 1 : Create custom fields under the ticket for the receiver's name if you wish to add their name in the gift card (ex. "This gift card is for: first name")

    1. Set one field as "first name" type
      Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 19.43.19
    2. When your customers buy the gift card, they will be able to add a name
      Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 19.43.53
    3. Here is the result of the PDF Gift card with the receiver's name "Lucie". The ticket will be associated to the end receiver.
      Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 19.44.19

Tip 2 : Update dynamic fields by clicking on "merge tags"

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 19.42.11

Tip 3 : Please make sure to preview your template before going live and test it (via promo code) in order to ensure the right layout.