1. In which case should this type of membership be used
This type of membership card (digital or printed) grants the card holder access to all events in a specific time period. This type of card is made for events that do not require a seating plan or any other type of seat/zone reservation.
It is especially beneficial for locations that do not have any sectioning or for events that occur frequently (ex. Clubs, Bars or other open spaces). Overall, it provides clients and organizers with flexibility and simplicity.
2. How to create this membership card
In order to create this type of membership card on your Smeetz account, please follow these steps:
Create a product: Create > Products
Create a regular membership ticket:Products > Tickets > Create a ticket > Regular membership ticket
Insert the requested information:
The name and location, if all events are at the same location
Description and practical information: Indicate the different offers for each membership type
Start validity: determine if the card is valid the moment the client buys it or at a specific date (ex. start of next year)
End validity:
To create an annual pass: select "Should be valid for a defined number of periods" > Period length yearly
To simply insert an expiry date: select “Should be valid until” and enter a specific given date, on which the card will not grant access to any events anymore
Member use and reservation: with this type of use, members do not need to reserve in advance and can simply go to the location by scanning their subscription.
4. Save and Make the ticket available for sale: Product > Activity Details > Published > Ticket status On
3. How does the client book the ticket
Once a client has bought a membership ticket, they will receive a confirmation email with a QR code. They can then use this QR code directly at the entrance of any event that is included in the membership package.
To scan the membership card ticket, simply select it on the scanner and scan it like any other ticket with a phone or professional scanner.