Summary dashboard

This article presents the Summary Dashboard.

This dashboard can be found in the Analytics section under Accounting.

1. Summary tab

The summary tab serves as an overview of the data and contains various filters to refine the displayed information.

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Filters include:

  • Start of Period and End of Period: You can select a specific time range to view data within that period.
  • Sales Channel: Allows you to filter data based on different sales channels through which bookings are made (Back office, Online, Smeetz POS, Standalone terminals or Kiosk).
  • Accounting Code: Helps organisers differentiate their sales based on specific accounts or categories.
  • Seller: Allows you to filter on some specific sellers. 
  • Activity: Allows you to filter data based on specific names of activities. 
  • Ticket: Allows you to filter data by specific ticket names or categories.
  • Price: Allows you to filter data based on price ranges.
  • Ticket Type: Allows you to filter out the free add-ons.

1. Turnover report

Within the turnover report, you will find the list of tickets sold during the sales period.

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In the turnover report, you will find the following information:

  • Accounting code: This code aids organisers in distinguishing their sales based on specific accounts or categories.
  • Activity: The name of the activity or event associated with the ticket.
  • Ticket: The type of ticket. 
  • Price: The ticket price.
  • VAT code: The code that indicates the applicable VAT (Value Added Tax) for the transaction.
  • VAT rate: The percentage rate of VAT applied to the transaction.
  • Quantity sold: The valid quantity of tickets sold.
  • Total excl. VAT: The total sales amount after considering cancellations and discounts, with VAT excluded.
  • VAT amount: The amount of VAT calculated for the transaction.
  • Total price: The total price, including VAT, calculated as the sum of the total excluding VAT and the VAT amount.
  • Discount: Any reductions or deductions applied to the original ticket price, resulting in a discounted price for the transaction.

2. Ticket details on the validity period

This table contains the same information as the turnover report, but with a filter applied on the validity period instead of the sales period. 

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The ticket details on the validity period report excludes gift cards and memberships.

3. Details of the gift card

The information provided in this table is identical to the previous table, but limited to gift card transactions within the designated sales period.

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4. Scan details 

The filters for the start date period and end date period in the dashboard affect the scanning date. In calculating the realized revenue, it is determined not only by the number of tickets sold but also by considering the actual scanning of those tickets.

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Additionally, the dashboard provides the following details:

  • Total scan quantity: This metric represents the total number of times a ticket has been scanned. For instance, in the case of memberships, which can be scanned multiple times, each scan is included in this count.

  • Single scanned: This metric counts the number of unique ticket scans, ensuring that each ticket is only counted once, regardless of how many times it was scanned.

  • The revenue: This figure represents the total revenue generated from the ticket sales, taking into account the scanning activity as described above.

 5. Details of the articles 

In the Details of the articles section, you will find the same columns as before, with the addition of:

  • Product: this column specifies the name of the product associated with the article.
  • Option (if it exists): this column indicates any specific options available for the article.

The date filter is during the sales period.

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6. VAT report 

The VAT report is a summary specifically focused on VAT-related information. It concerns the sales period and includes the following details.

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  • Accounting code
  • VAT: The type of VAT applied. 
  • VAT code: The specific code assigned to identify the VAT. 
  • VAT rate: The percentage rate applied to calculate the VAT amount.
  • Quantity sold (with this VAT): The total quantity of tickets/products sold associated with this specific VAT category.
  • Total excl. VAT: The total sales amount excluding VAT. 
  • VAT amount: The amount of VAT applied. 
  • Total price: The overall price, inclusive of VAT, calculated as the sum of the total excluded VAT and the VAT amount.

7. Payment method report

This dashboard includes the payment step. In this step, the following details are provided:

  • Payment gateway: The payment gateway through which the payment is processed and it can be :
    • Organizer payment method: This indicates the method used by the organizer to receive payments, such as bank transfer, external card POS (Point of Sale), cash, etc. 
    • Smeetz Pay: This category includes payment methods specific to Smeetz, such as Mastercard, card POS, and other relevant payment options. It's important to note that all transactions go through the Adyen payment system.
  • Payment methods: The payment method used. 

Furthermore, the dashboard presents the following metrics:

  • # of transactions: The total count of transactions recorded during the specified sales period.
  • Payment: The total amount received as payments.
  • Refund: The total amount refunded for transactions.
  • Payment and refund: This metric represents the sum of the payment amount and the refund amount, providing the overall financial picture of payments and refunds during the sales period.

 8. Debtor and creditor

The Debtor and Creditor section provides an overview of financial transactions during the sales period. 

For each accounting code, the dashboard displays the booking reference, name of activity, type of credit (credit paid or credit created), and the balance, which is calculated as sales minus payments and refunds.

  • You can have a credit paid when you have cancelled a ticket, but forgotten to refund it (you owe the money to the customer).
  • You can have a credit created when a customer has not fully paid his order (order with a balance for example). The customer owes you money.

9. Fee details

The Fee Details section focuses on fees incurred during the sales period.

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 It includes:

  • Accounting code
  • Activity name
  • Ticket/Product
  • Price/Option
  • Offline: Fees associated with offline transactions.
  • Online: Fees associated with online transactions.
  • Transaction: Fees related to the transaction process.
  • Marketplace: Fees associated with marketplaces
  • IDIV (only applicable in Lausanne, Switzerland): Tax fees specific to IDIV.
  • VAT (to Smeetz customers): VAT charges applicable to Smeetz customers.
  • Total (VAT included): The overall total, including VAT charges.

Please note that in certain cases, when a 100% discount or a free ticket is applied, there may still be a quantity sold, but the VAT amount and total excluded VAT will be 0. This is due to the absence of any chargeable amount associated with such transactions.

2. Summary by booking statement

In the next tab, Summary by booking statement, you can find the exact same tables, but split by Booking statement.

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3. Raw data

In the last tab, you have access to all the data without formatting.

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