Make your activity more attractive on

Every month, we have between 20,000 and 30,000 visitors on Your activity must attract the attention of your audience to generate bookings.

The more your activity stands out, the more you will be able to capture the attention of our traffic. To this end, I advise you to follow these few tips on presentation and content. 

Yes, the first impression counts.

Title and description

The description of your activity is very important:

  • find a title and a catchy introduction (don't use a title that is too long, otherwise it won't be displayed in full)
  • be as accurate and complete as possible (activities with only one sentence remain a mystery - assuming that the visitor will go to your site for more information is a risk)
  • if necessary, detail the different pricing and scheduling options

Choice of images

Our visitors like to get an idea of the activities. For this, we advise you:

  • to put good quality images (beware of blurred images, check the resolution of your image)
  • the photos must be uploaded in the following format: min 805 × 339 px - max 5mb or min 375x251 px - max 5mb
  • to frame them well (beware of the format of the image in the "discover" part, sometimes ends are cut off)
  • to put several relevant images
  • to put not only a logo, but also photos of past events
  • beware of images with too much text, it is not always readable (advice: just avoid the text)


Don't forget to put tags. It is with these keywords that your audience will be able to find you. Take a look at your competitors' tags to make sure you appear in the same searches as them.

Contact Information

Don't forget to include your number, email and website. This creates a sense of trust.

General terms and conditions

If you have a specific cancellation policy, please specify it clearly.