Daily overview dashboard

Discover the daily overview to get a quick look at your sales.

Read this article to personalise your dashboards and understand filters: Customise your dashboards

Go to analytics > Sales > Daily overview

Types of analytics periods you can have

  • sales recognition date: this marks the moment when a sale is officially acknowledged for accounting purposes. For instance, if someone buys a product or service, the sales recognition date would usually match the visit date.
  • Transaction date: the transaction date represents the actual completion date of the financial transaction.

  • Visit date: this refers to the precise date when a customer initiates their interaction or experience (the start date on the ticket).

  • Booking visit date: here, the first ticket's start date is the reference point for the whole booking.

Here are the dashboards you can find in the daily overview

  • How much you sold for the current period.
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Attendance dashboards

  • An important point to take into consideration for attendance measures is that we are only showing data for daily tickets (memberships are not included).
  • How many visitors were scanned for the selected period and how many remain to check-in (those are customers with tickets valid for the period)
  • What is the filling rate for the selected period and the no-show rate. If you do not scan people in, your no-show rate will be high.
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Sales by channel

  • How many visitors booked online ahead (in green) or purchased their ticket onsite (in pink)Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 11-02-56
  • Percentage of sales through each sales channel
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Sales by segment

  • Percentage split between B2B and B2C sales
  • Amount of B2B and B2C visitors per booking

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Top best sellers

  • Best ticket and retails sales

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