This article aims to explain the attendance and scan dashboard.
Left section - Attendance and valid tickets
First, select a validity date range
- Total valid tickets: Number of valid tickets, excluding memberships, within the specified validity period.
- Valid tickets scanned: Number of valid tickets scanned, excluding memberships, within the specified validity period.
Active memberships: Number of valid memberships within the specified validity period.
- Attendance rate: Attendance rate based on the proportion of scanned tickets versus total valid tickets (excludes memberships).
- No-show rate: Percentage of valid tickets that were not scanned within their validity dates.
- Attendance rate per ticket: The performance of each ticket based on the attendance rate. Memberships are not included.
- Number of valid tickets and scans over time (hourly/daily): Trend of scanned tickets over time, showing peak attendance periods.
Details of attendance: Detailed view of attendance based on valid tickets. Memberships are not included.
Right section - Scanned tickets
First, select a validity date range
Total number of scans: The number of scanned tickets based on the given date range when they were scanned. Memberships are included.
- Most scanned tickets: Top 10 most frequently scanned ticket types, including memberships.
- Best scanners: Top three scanners by the number of tickets scanned, providing insights into scanner performance.
- Number of scans over time (hourly/daily): Trend of scanned tickets over time, showing peak attendance periods.
- Scans details: Breakdown of scanned tickets by scan date, including memberships, to monitor scanner activities.